Gold is on the rise, or is it? Those unfamiliar with the market automatically think that it's too expensive and stay out of the game. There's a current misconception that because of the current price, Gold's at its peak, therefore, would-be investors stay on the sidelines. It is however, on a bull run, the proof is historical, have a look at this chart, the rule of thumb is, as the dollar declines the gold price rises and as the dollar rises the gold price declines, the market is not unlike two sports teams battling it out.
Here in New Zealand, rugby is the sport of the nation, each winter the hearts of most New Zealanders are warmed up by a clash between the NZ All Blacks and the Australian Wallabies. The All Blacks, whose uniform is 'All Black' which incorporates the New Zealand silver fern insignia over the hearts of the players, could well be represented as the dream economy, as every nation would love to forever be in the black with their currency backed by true wealth. Silver.
The Wallabies in their green and predominantly gold livery are representative of the gold currency, maybe  it's no co-incidence the "Lucky Country's" first two letters are the symbol for gold, as it producers 10% of the worlds annual gold supply.
 Although the precious metals price looks good over the long term, the volatility over the short term mirrors the competitive nature of when these two giants in rugby meet.

In the game there's two 40 minute halves and the battle is for possession and territory upon the 100m long playing field. The referee and his sideline cronies (touch judges) can easily control the game, not unlike the manipulators in the precious metals market. The teams can battle backwards and forwards but the referee can often make a wrong call and give either team an advantage at the disgust of opposition supporters.The supporters of the game are likened to investors who are either long or short of the market but depending on the mood and timing of the manipulators, things can fall apart for the investors very quickly. During the game there are infringements, these can turn the game to the oppositions favour. Similarly, in the market certain events can either support or resist the way it is headed.
The game I have outlined here to mirror a clash of two of the worlds greatest rugby teams is the battle between two precious metals, however in the real market silver and gold (real money) work in unison and together they battle failing currencies and manipulators. The battle against currencies is a foregone conclusion, the proof of gold winning over paper is its significant rise over the past 10 years . When we hear the experts tell us the dollar is strong, it's all froth and bubble, no currency has strength, one is weaker than the other. That's why prices rise, rising prices are the biggest indicator of dollar weakness (inflation). The real battle is with the manipulators, a cartel of speculators that have plenty of paper currency to purchase precious metals via paper promises, one day soon the cartel will find that their precious metals purchases are only worth the paper they're written on. These paper promises do not have the backing of the gold and more significantly, silver they represent, the amount of paper promises far out weigh the tangible mined ounces in existence. The more these speculators manipulate, the more suppressed the market becomes.
The de-valuation of the dollar is occurring now. The Fed is desperately printing currency which is creating inflation, this is a global event, you need to protect yourself from moth and rust destroying your savings. Don't sit on the sidelines, get in the game, buy physical Gold and Silver NOW!!!!!! while it's still cheap, in the end whoever holds the gold holds the power.

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